Make De Soto a Better Place to Live
Can you imagine a space that offers engaging recreational, educational and entertainment opportunities for kids, families and senior citizens? A center for youth organizations including Boy Schools, Girl Scouts, soccer league, Legion Baseball, Little League and Wrestling Club, with free swimming lessons for all kids? A space where local fire departments and first responders can teach CPR, drowning prevention, and First Aid?
A space less than 15 minutes from your home?
De Soto School District and the City of De Soto are partnering on a plan to create a Civic Center that will fulfill our community’s aspirations to offer creative and enriching amenities and services for all individuals living in our area. In a recent survey of community needs, a Civic Center and Community Pool topped the list.
This project will be paid for utilizing grant monies along with existing tax dollars and other resources from the City and the School District, with no plan to raise taxes.
We believe that a Civic Center will enhance our sense of community and serve as a hub for community activity, but we want to hear from you! Please complete this brief survey to help us create the space that everyone can be proud of.
For more information on the proposed De Soto Civic Center, please visit
Click on this link to complete the survey by August 14,
Thank you for your participation.
Please contact Ellen Howe at
[email protected] or Dayna Stock, at
dayna@therome with any questions.